Chewing breaks down food so that it's easier to digest , stimulates the flow of saliva and also signals the stomach and other organs to secrete digestive juices for incoming food.
Avoid cold drinks with meals
Cold fluids can slow down the digestive processes. Try not to drink anything with meals , if you must then take only a small amount of eoom temperature or warm water.
Take Ginger and other Herbs.
Ginger can stimulate the gastric juices and aid the digestive process. Herbal remedies for acute and chronic digestive problems usually contain ginger , fennel , peppermint etc.
Food combining
Food combining is based on the idea that different foods require different lengths of time to digest , and involve different stomach enzymes in the digestive process. Eat foods that digest well together.
Eat Enough High-Fibre Foods
The body needs enough fibre to process waste through the digestive system.
Try to Cut Down on Meat
Meat is slow to digest , a vegetarian diet is generally more easily digested , so consider eating more vegetarin meals.
Cut out Sugar
Sugar interferes with the pre-digestive actions of saliva , which makes the digestive of starchy foods in particular more difficult.
Cut down on Pepper
Too much pepper can be an irritant to the disgestive system. Use Sparingly.
Reduce intake of Beverages
Toxins from drinking large amounts of hot tea and coffee acumulate and weaken your digestive power. Drink herbal teas rather than stimulants.
Don't over-eat
Do not indulge and over eat especially spicy , oily foods and sweets. Rather take small meals at regular intervals.
Don't rush your meals
When you eat in a hurry you don't have time to chew your foods properly . Hurrying through your food also leads to overeating.
Do not eat dinner just before sleeping
A golden rule to good digestion is to finish eating 2-3 hours before going to bed and let the stomach also rest with your body.
Don't do heavy exercises immediately after eating
Heavy exercises after meals can actually be harmful and divert energy from the digestive process.
Give your stomach a rest
Wait for your stomach to digest the contents from the previous meal before eating again. This also gives time to replenish the digestive juices and enzymes.
Improve your Posture
Poor posture can restrict blood flow and cramp the digestive tract.Maintain good posture.Some aspecific yoga asanas can help you improve your posture and balance your digestive system.
Observe a short-term Fast
This is one way to allow the digestive system a well deserved break. Drink Plenty of fruit and Vegetable juices during your Fast.