Healthy Diet
What is a Healthy Diet ?
A healthy diet is one that helps maintain or improve general health.
Nutrients can be obtained from many different foods , so there are numerous diets that may be considered healthy.
A healthy diet needs to have a
balance of macronutrients (fats , proteins , and carbohydrates) , calories to support energy needs , and micronutrients to meet the needs for human nutrition without inducing toxicity or excessive weight gain from consuming excessive amounts.
The World Health Organization (WHO) makes the following 5 recommendations with respect to both populations and individuals ,
- Try to burn as much energy as you eat , and try to eat as much energy as you burn , as a healthy weight is a balance between those two.
- Increase consumption of food producing plants , particularly fruits , vegetables , legumes , whole grains and nuts
- Limit intake of fat and oil , and avoid saturated fats , which are those that become solid at room temperature such as coconut oil and all animal products including basically meat , dairy and egg. Prefer unsaturated fats , which remain liquid at room temperature instead , and which are found in almost all the plant based oils and foods. Eliminate trans-fatty acids
- Limit the intake of granulated sugar
- Limit salt / sodium consumption from all sources and ensure that salt is iodized
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